Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Bit of Working

Worked a bit this morning.  Sunday at church I picked up my bulletin folder and e-mailed the bulletin template to myself.  Only problem was, the church has Office 2007 and my laptop has Office 2003.  Not sure I can even do an upgrade.  Anyway any Word file Office 2007 saves is in DocX form, something 2003 can't open.  Never fear, put the question on Bing and I found a patch that allows my 2003 to open the DocX files!  So I was able to get some preliminary work done on the bulletin.  My plan is to have it ready and send it to the office on Friday.  I'll have Stan drop me off and I'll run, fold, stuff, etc. then.  I'll do a dry run today-I'll send it to myself and check when I go for my deacon's meeting tonight.  I can always print the one here at home and bring it in if the e-mail thing doesn't work.

Was very excited at PT yesterday-I was able to pedal all the way around on the exercise bike!  Backwards, but forward will come.  Jason said he thought I had stalled on the bending motion, so he pushed me.  Boy did he-I had sweat running down my back doing a tiny little pedaling motion!  If the sciatica weren't so bad it would have been easier.  I kept getting a muscle cramp in my calf next to my knee.  I finally just pushed through it and got it done.  Now there's no turning back-he will expect more and more of me!  That's fine, I want total knee function, no matter how bad it hurts.

I talked to Jason at the doctor's office yesterday and he is setting me up with a spine doctor to get rid of the sciatica.  If it weren't for that I would be very close to 100%.  I have very little pain in my knee now-yay!  I almost have my braking motion back, so in two weeks when I am released to drive I will be ready.  Stan wants to go fishing today, so if the doc wants to see me today I may have to bum a ride from someone.  Will be SO GLAD when I can drive!  Besides, I am itching to get Christmas done.

The one thing I am not itching for is housework.  The first time I cook dinner the jig will be up and I will have to cook all the meals, so I'm not jumping into the kitchen for a while yet.  (Married women will understand!)  I make my own breakfast and coffee, and heat up lunch, but that's about all.

Think I'll call my friend Joyce to see if she'll pick me up for coffee today-a confab with friends is good for the soul!

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