Sam is the baby his parents thought they'd never have. After the tough road they walked with Gracie they were pretty convinced that three kids were enough, thankyouverymuch.
Then came the surprise. After a couple of pregnancy tests they got up the nerve to tell us at Christmas. I feel pretty bad-I started laughing. If there is one thing life has taught me, it's never say never and expect the unexpected. And God sends babies when He decides.
Sam has flaming red hair. We've all wished for a child with red hair, and now we have one. He's built like his Grandpa Stan, but he has my brother Rick's face. It's pretty cool since Rick has been gone for 33 years. He never had any kids of his own, so now he has someone who looks like him. And just like my brother, Sam loves anything with wheels-especially bulldozers or Disney's "Cars."
He also has the "redhead temperament." He's a rough-and-tumble boy, focused on whatever he's doing, and can charm your socks off with his big grin. He has the requisite sprinkle of freckles across his nose and can sunburn in a heartbeat. He has almost as many allergies as his Grandma, but they mostly have to be super careful with peanuts and eggs. The peanuts will be forever, but he could shake the egg allergy. (Hasn't yet, but there's hope)
I always take the grandkids for a "birthday coffee." I go to a coffee shop with them and order a latte' for myself and string cheese and a juice box for the kids. They absolutely love it. It gives them a chance to bond with Grandma without siblings, cousins or Mom and Dad around. Wednesday I took Sam for his coffee. We were sitting Sydney that day and I had shown him Sam's gift, a fire engine, and made Syd promise that he wouldn't tell Sam what his present was. We were nearing the coffee shop when Syd piped up, "Sam, I know what you're getting for your birthday but I can't tell you what it is." "You can't tell me?" asked Sam. "No" said Sydney, "but do you like fire engines?"
Happy birthday Sammers. We are extremely glad you surprised us with your arrival four years ago. I look forward to the adventure that will be your life.
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