It's been pretty hot here. We've had a couple of storms that actually brought some nice rain, but then it warms back up again-so not like Montana. Usually it's hot for a few days, then rains and gets chilly. I don't mind this one bit!
Took the grandkids to the Bogert pool, but it's an outdoor pool and the thunder and lightening hit, so the pool was closed. They played in the playground for a while and then Millie stopped by and picked up Grace and Sam. Syd talked his dad into staying for the farmer's market and concert, so he was with us all night. Mostly he played on the playground-we positioned our chairs at the concert so we could watch him all evening. He had a blast, and we heard a nice concert.
His dad gave him enough money to go on the bungee bouncer:
We celebrated Independence Day by going to the fairgrounds to take in the Bozeman Symphony's all-American concert, followed by fireworks. The Symphony even accompanied some of them. The best fireworks evening I think I've had.
Since Syd had to go back to his mom's soon, he, Stan & Steve took the boat out fishing. They had a ball! |
A beautiful Montana sunrise! |
Yesterday we took our Costco rebate and a World Market gift card to town-time to get them spent. We made quite a little haul-I got a new vacuum cleaner, a small TV for the kitchen, a 16G memory card for my camera, and ribeye steaks for two meals at Costco. At World Market I found a new outdoor rug for my deck. When Stan and my cousin built the deck, my cousin talked him into leaving a gap between the floor boards. The only problem is, the thin legs on my chairs fall through, so I put a rug over it to prevent that. The old rug was bad enough to make it into the trash.
Chloe and I both think it looks snazzy-kind of tropical. It's quite a bit larger than the old one. This one is made from plastic, so maybe it won't rot quite so quickly. |
We assembled the vacuum and I took it for a test drive in the living room. I was astounded to see how much dog hair ended up in the dirt cup! Plus a lot of dirt-and I thought my old vac was working!
Now that my deck is spruced up, I'm headed out there to catch a cool breeze and eat ice cream with fresh strawberries from the garden. Can't beat that for a summer evening!