Sunday, September 4, 2011

Going For It!

I had a visit with my knee specialist on Friday.  He had received a report from the physical therapist that was pretty grim-the therapy was pretty useless.  So-now I get a new knee!  They will be calling in a few days to set up a time.  My only request was that it be done after October 23, which is when we get back from Mazatlan.  The doc agreed-he thought it would be foolish to travel post-surgery, too.

I already have a walker and a toilet seat raiser-compliments of my sister-in-law in Billings.  She had her knee done in February so she knows the scoop.  We helped bring her home from rehab and I had to pull her off the toilet because she didn't have enough strength to get up on her own.  It was kind of funny, but her daughter went right out and bought the seat raiser.  Now I have it-LOL!

His only concern is my many allergies.  We might have fun controlling my pain without my violently reacting to the meds.  They are forewarned and are working on it.  I don't want a fiasco like I had with my last surgery-couldn't take the meds because they made me nauseous-something I had to avoid at all costs with that particular surgery.  So I spent a long night in excruciating pain.  Not this time-we're going to be ahead of it.  I hear this surgery HURTS!

I've started exercising in earnest, so my leg muscles are in tiptop shape, hopefully that will help me rehab quickly.  Now, between the upcoming trip and getting ready for surgery, I won't have a minute free!

An update-the surgery is scheduled for November 2.  First it was scheduled for Oct. 26, but 20 minutes later they called back and said the Dr. was out that week and would I mind waiting a week?  I would have rather gotten it over with, but that actually will give me more than a week after we get home from Mazatlan to get ready-clean house, cook and freeze my "safe" foods, etc.


  1. Hope everything goes well for you and you heal up really fast.

  2. Yikes! I was sure hoping the PT would allow you to hold off for awhile. I am afraid I am heading that direction soon as well.. Dang it! Well... Be sure to let me know if you need any help with anything while you recover... I am sure Stan will be a good help, but know I am here and willing!

  3. Hey I will have an amiga who has a bionic part like me. Yup it hurts but the trick is the pre surgery exercise, it made a huge difference. As you know I had problems with the meds also but it is survivable. I'll be here for you.


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