This kid was some kind of cute!
Just after Easter, 12 1/2 years ago, we got a phone call. Our son and daughter-in-law had just been licensed as foster parents and the next day were entrusted with a 18 month old boy. As soon as I got off work I went over to their house to meet the little guy, bearing gifts from my co-workers who all spent their lunch hours combing baby clearance racks to outfit him in much-needed clothes. Stocky, with olive skin, dark curly hair, and eyes the color of bittersweet chocolate, he stole my heart the second I saw him.
I was amazed at how bright he was, and how he used his imagination. We played for quite a while and he fell asleep in my arms. Millie and I looked at each other-both of us knew this kid was going to stay.
It wasn't easy-adopting through the state can be arduous, first the birth mother has to try to get her act together, then if that doesn't work parental rights have to be terminated. It took two years to accomplish all this. There were hard times, especially when Birth Mother got him back for a trial and all Chris could do was ask for Jim.
But praise God it all worked out and he is ours forever. (Or until some pretty girl steals his heart!)
Chris LOVES football and can play really, really well. His hope is, if his knees hold out, to play pro football. Whatever he does he will be just fine. He's quiet, at least around adults, makes friends quickly and is still a smart kid. He went on a youth mission this summer and was forever affected by it. God has a great plan for Christopher and I can't wait to see where He leads him!
Happy birthday, Chris, you are still our pride and joy!
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