After Sydney's mittens, Stan's mom's words rang in my ears, "You can't make stepchildren!" So I started on mittens for the rest of the kids. These are Sam's and they match a hat I made for him.
Love that face! |
Just good old Red Heart yarn, but when you're dealing with kids you want something inexpensive that will hold up. |
And here is our last Christmas celebration for the season. We met at Stan's sister's house for food and a white elephant gift exchange. What a hoot! Even the teenagers got into it! Then after everybody's kids left, the brothers and sisters lingered to play a round of "Greedy, Greedy!" which is a lot like Farkle. A nice way to usher out the old year! The actual ushering at midnight went on without us, we were home and in bed by 10:00.
Sam's smile tells it all. Glad you had a good end to 2012. May 2013 be full of wonderful experiences for you and your family.