Montana summers are so unpredictable, but if the weather people are correct, the whole week is going to be nice-in the 70's and not much rain. Maybe my garden will get a good start!
We did have a bit of big hail one day, but it was pretty sparse, thank goodness! |
Just had to show you the two dogs-Chloe was 5 and Merlin was almost 4 when he came to live with us-they're now 7and 6. They love each other so much, and have gone from being two completely different dogs to doing everything the same, including how they sit! |
I've just gone for my third acupuncture treatment and things are progressing nicely. The first visit, my improvement was pretty profound, so I was kind of giddy! (Poor Stan!) The subsequent ones resulted in smaller improvements, but improvements just the same. I am much less stiff, and the sciatic pain is slowly fading. He wants to work on my allergies, too-yay!
I updated my cooking blog too, but I kind of whined so if you aren't in the mood for a pity party I suggest not going there. If you don't mind, go ahead, I talk about quinoa for breakfast, too.
Just love the dogs sitting together overlooking their territory. Ours have started doing the same things. I guess they really do bond. Congrats on the acupuncture....hope it keeps working for you. Sciatica can me miserable to live with. Good luck.