Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We're Back, but First.......

We came home to the terrible news that four buildings had exploded in downtown Bozeman. Five businesses were destroyed, all in over 100-year-old buildings. Worst of all was the loss of a life, Tara Bowman, the manager of the art gallery that was destroyed. I didn't know Tara, but my heart goes out to her family, especially her young husband.

My DIL's sis works just a block from the disaster, and in fact was on the corner when it happened. How scary!

The cause was ruptured gas lines. All those lines are close to the same age as the buildings. Hopefully there was no foul play. There was another gas line explosion about a year ago downtown, and the word is that line was actually cut.

Anyway, I'll be posting pics soon, maybe even today, but I had to post this first.

Some pictures of the disaster:

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