A very nice day. Went to church, stopped at my favorite coffee shop, then headed home to change and gather up stuff for dinner. Off to Steve's house for a backyard beer can chicken barbecue. We sat in the shade on the deck visiting and watching the kids play. A very mellow day, I felt spoiled and appreciated. I took my camera but I never took it out of my purse.
Stan did give me some very pretty roses on Saturday.
They're opening nicely. |
Jim and Millie gave me these lilies. Just have to figure out where to plant them. I have a ton of lilies in the backyard, so maybe I should find a home for them in the front. |
The flowering trees are a little early this year. Our jelly crabapple tree is going nuts! We're going to have to share the apples this year! |
Looks like snow! |
Belated M Day wishes. The roses are outstanding and you did a great job of sharing them with us.