Here, finally, is my post about my new pants pattern. My old pattern had kind of a tapered leg, which wasn't terribly stylish and I thought it made me look a bit frumpy. Off to Jo-Ann's and the pattern sales.
This is my old homemade pattern:

Here is the pattern I selected:

The only problem is that I am, in the words of author Peg Bracken, a "round bottomed pants stretcher." Zippers and I don't like each other-they bubble over my fat tummy, and depending on the day they might have a tendency to bind around my hipbones. So I selected View C-straight leg-and proceeded to revamp the pattern. You can kind of see it on the bottom right.
First I took my measurements and selected the closest size. (No, I'm not telling!) Then I measured my crotch and added a bit of length, since I have a terribly high waist.
Then I added an elastic casing and took out the taper from waist to hip-so it would pull on easily. I had to add room in the hip, just so I could have a bit more "sit room."

And-all my 5' 4" height is in my legs, so I added a couple of inches to the length.
My "muslin" was a piece of crinkle cotton. Turned out to fit perfectly and will be very wearable for summer.

Then I dug in my stash and made two more pair!

I'm definitely liking the cut of the leg!
I wish I liked to sew and had the skills for it -- the idea of being able to customize one's pants is so appealing. Love the blue one's especially -- enjoy!!