I got an e-mail today from a friend that I occasionally have coffee with. She told me she wanted to end our friendship. She said it wasn't "healthy." Meeting her once in a while was a nice break from my daily routine, and was just fun. I guess she wasn't getting what she wanted out of the relationship. She hinted that she couldn't get a word in edgewise when I started talking. I am a bit gabby, but I didn't think I monopolized the whole conversation and is gabbiness a terrible character flaw? I also, recognizing my trait, would stop and make sure she could have her say. I have noticed that she has kind of retreating into herself and that does worry me. Maybe she's depressed and I didn't give her a chance to tell me. She told me once of a business idea she had, and I told her it was a neat idea and she owed it to herself to give it a try. She got angry and said I didn't have faith in her-I should have told her she would definitely succeed.
I'm still a bit stunned. I guess I'm not sure what real friends are. I never required undying bosom buddy friendship, but just a lively idea exchange over a latte.' I live in a relatively small town with small town attitudes, and most of the people here don't share my political views, so it was fun to actually be with someone whose ideals were closer to mine.
This is the second friend I've lost. The first one was someone I've known since childhood but when we started working together, she became hostile and cool and eventually I left. She hasn't spoken to me much since, even though I've made several attempts to reconcile she hasn't responded.
Now this one. I am sad, very sad.
I replied to her e-mail and told her to have a good life.