Thursday, December 31, 2009

What I've Been Up To

Haven't been idle, craft-wise.

Been sewing-coffee cozies, orders for a couple of coffee shops.

Purging and inventorying my yarn.

I spent all day yesterday winding partial skeins of yarn with my winder.

I tried to separate the partials by color and type and put them in Ziplocks. Originally all that yarn was stuffed into a couple of big trash cans, so at least now I can see what I have, and when I buy new yarn I can put it into the shelves right away.

And....started the first of next years' Christmas gifts. Now if I can resist giving it sooner!

The beauty of the cleaning session is that I found out I don't have a particular color for a pair of promised mittens, so I have to go yarn shopping!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE to organize my craft stuff! it is so satisfying! Oh yeah...I like the new :winter: look....


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