Here's a couple of pictures of Gracie in the dress. Her program went fine-very cute. It was the same program that Sydney did on Monday-they have the same music teacher. I don't understand why they can't combine all the kindergarten kids and just do one big program. They have the facilities at the school and it would certainly be easier on the teacher. As well as we family members who end up hitting four programs in one week! Not to mention that if they had one big program in the evening, parents wouldn't have to take time off from work.
Red tights and black Mary Janes-perfect accessories.
I made long wide ties so she could have a BIG bow! She said she felt like a princess and Grandma was the best "sewer Grandma" in the whole world!She's a broad-shouldered kid, Sam is too. She really fills out the shoulders of the dress. I couldn't have made the dress fit any better. Whew!
Nice job..."sewer Grandma" (I had to re-read that because I kept seeing SEWER not SEW-er) Haaaa haaa. Fits great and she looks adorable!