My DIL Kat and I drove to Billings for the Women of Faith conference. A super conference, as usual. After the stressful week I had, this was just the tonic I needed.
After a stressful week-Millie's surgery; Gracie, Sam and Stan's being sick; and pretty much no sleep, this was a good time to just let down, worship and heal.
The bad thing is I came home sick. I caught Stan's bug, hopefully I don't catch what Gracie and Sam had too. Gracie had the croup-ended up in ER Friday night-and both of them had really goopy eyes. Mexico is breathing down my neck and I really don't want to be sick in paradise.
Ending on a good note-Gracie is fine, didn't have to stay in the hospital, and Millie was released yesterday afternoon. She's sore and not moving very fast, but how great that she went from being on a ventilator on Friday morning to being home on Saturday afternoon!
I apologize for the picture quality-it's hard to get clear ones in a semi-darkened arena, and those doggone performers move around a lot!
Well, back to my recliner. I'm actually hungry so maybe I'm on the mend. I've taken all my herbal remedies that usually work, so here's hoping!
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