I'm making progress on my items for the
baby show. I think this is enough Mary Jane booties for now. I might make another style-the show is two weeks away-but mostly I'll concentrate on my hankie bonnets.

At first I didn't like the variegated yarn, but the more I looked at it the more it grew on me, so I had to make a second pair. I mostly have two pairs of each with the exception of the yellow ones and the brushed yarn white ones. It's really easy to sew them together wrong side out, so I ended up with one left and three right yellows, so of course I had to make two more lefts. And the brushed white yarn was driving my allergies nuts-not sure why, it's acrylic-so I bagged it after one pair.
And more news-right after I take down the baby show, I am picking up my sister and heading for Billings. There we will meet my other sis and Stan's sister, and Sunday morning we four women will fly out to Mazatlan. I know! We were just there, but Stan's sis has points to use and we all have passports so that's enough incentive to go again. We four chicas should paint the town red! Then a day after we get back Stan and I will take off for Reno so he can bowl in the national tournament. Fun, fun, fun! I'll have to sleep the whole month of June.
Stan said he'd be fine here by himself. He can eat all the foods I'm allergic to, and go fishing every day. Maybe he won't want me to come back!